
Yes, I'm Still Here...

I just haven't had much that I really NEEDED to say, coupled with a lack of free time equals light blogging. It seems like we've had quite a bit going on, the 'rents were in town, work on our bedroom (more on that to come), a job offer, interviews, much phone tag, negotiations, and many other tasks have eaten up what little free time we have had. There is more to do as well, but hopefully in the next couple of weeks things should be getting better.

The guys over at our CD club/experiment have been giving me shit, and wondering if Elsa was still kicking my ass. She is not, but she is still keeping me busy. The colic is gone, gone, gone, but she still doesn't sleep much in the afternoons. My typical day starts at 2am, and I am off to work. I get home around noon, and grab a bit to eat. Nap time, I usually get between one and two hours, depending on when Krista leaves, and when/if Elsa sleeps. Then it is Elsa, Elsa, Elsa. I try to get some things done, and if I am lucky I can get 30 minutes on the stationary bike, or we take a walk around the lake. Krista gets home between 8:300 and 9:00, bite to eat (and yes Mixdorf, a little Buffy, or other TV during dinner), another four hours of sleep before starting it all over again.

Not hellish, or terribly hard, but busy. So, blogging has been light, and will likely be for a while yet. I need to get the bikes winterized, and stain the mantle and banister for our bedroom before it gets too cold. And, I just haven't felt terribly inspired to say much. So there.