
After Months of Anticipation, The Day Has Come

It has arrived!

Today I awoke from my nap on the couch to Krista handing me a small bundle of joy. No, not that.

Today the FedEx Man, not the stork, made a delivery. My (almost) free 40GB iPod is here, charging it's controversial battery as I type this. In all I spent about $25 on the different offers (plus another $30 for one of those Entertainment coupon books, but I don't count that since we have saved nearly that much using it's coupons for things we buy anyway), and about three-and-a-half hours signing up, canceling memberships and calling the company pestering them for information. It was a bit of a pain, and if you decide to go the route I chose, I think you will get best results by calling the company every couple of weeks.

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But hey, a $400 iPod for a little over three hours work, not too shabby.



No, not that... I made some changes to Diary of an Attic. It will now only show posts made on the most recent day. I have also adjusted the archives menu to display single dates. Because of the photo-intensive nature of the blog this should make easier loading for those with slow connections.