
Kid Dakota

You may know that my favorite local band, and one of my favorite bands in general is Kid Dakota. The first time I saw Kid Dakota I was blown away. I had no idea that a two piece could sound so huge. And, they aren't just loud, they are incredibly musical. So many bands seem to have two volumes, loud, and louder. Kid Dakota performs with a great sense of dynamics, and a wonderful overall musicality. Darren Jackson and Ian Prince seem to be joined at the rhythmic hip. Every note is delivered with Rolex precision.

Krista and I saw the premiere of this Wes Anderson-esque video last March at their CD release party at the Turf Club. Favorite band, favorite bar... awesome.

The entire performance was wonderful, but two songs actually gave me chills (or as Pat calls them, sprinkles).

Crossin Fingers - Kid Dakota
The other was Winterkill.

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